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Divine Intervention Practitioner

I have one of the best jobs in the world. I provide deeply transformational healing and intuitive counseling. I launched my practice over twenty years ago.

I draw from healing protocols, traditions and training that allow me to partner with and empower my clients. I specialize in supporting healers, spiritually evolved children, adolescents and their families, the spiritually curious and those in acute or chronic distress (aka the dark night of the soul).

I support people who are stuck, experiencing anxiety, depression, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual challenges and chronic and acute conditions, including cancer, auto-immune diseases, addiction and a broad range of challenges and disorders. The healing protocols I offer bring my clients to the root causes of their situations, their soul purpose and core obstacles. This path of discovery brings to light the opportunity of conscious, spiritual growth, in order to experience deeper relationships with themselves, others and God, as well as greater meaning and fulfillment in partnerships, work and vocations. 

23 Years of Experience and Training

  • Intuitive | Empath | Oracle | Stargate
  • Energy Medicine Healing Practitioner
  • Shamanic Practitioner
  • Light Language Healing Practitioner
  • Business Intuitive & Calibration Expert
  • Distant Healer
  • 7 Sacred Rays Healing Practitioner
  • Reiki Master
  • Conscious Connected Breathing Practitioner
  • Group Energy Clearing Healer
  • Color Therapist
  • Vibrational Healer


To assist my client in knowing themselves as their higher selves. 

To inspire children and adults to address complex situations that give rise to intense emotions in order to build resilience and confidence in their ability to meet life and its many challenges. To restore the lightness of being that emotional suppressions eclipse. 

To help clients access their super powers, intuitive capabilities and soul longings.

To hold my clients in a higher vibrational frequency throughout this period of human and planetary evolution.


To create a community based society where inner and outer balance, respect, generosity, sustainability, compassion and deep connections are central to life. 

I envision a planet thriving in diversity where individuals are loved, honored and supported for their gorgeous uniqueness. 

I imagine a global community celebrating a ‘less is more’ lifestyle when it comes to belongings and a ‘more is more’ lifestyle aimed at bringing greater freedom, joy and fun.

healing disclaimer

I strongly support an integrated approach to health and well-being. I encourage anyone who has been diagnosed with a health condition or disease to employ the expertise and support of doctors, physicians and health care providers.

Energy healing is not a replacement for traditional medicine. It is a compliment and tool to help approach the situation from different angles. As with any major decision regarding health and well being, please consult your doctors or treating medical professionals when considering or choosing alternative healing options.

Why Settle Ever?

Book a session or join the Stargate Monthly Healing Community today. Feeling stuck, anxious, or uninspired is common when people are out of alignment with their soul purpose. Change can happen right now…you’re just one click away!

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